About us
ALLFORDOGS is the owner of brand that specialize in selling a high quality accesories for dogs. Our products are produced in factories that produce only high quality animals’ accesories. Our mission is to produce accesories that will be usefull for humans and comfortable for dogs. Our products are made only with atested materials and passed all tests as a strong and usefull in any weather conditions. Due to the safety of our four legged friends we made extra series of products that are equiped in LED lights so night walks won’t be a problem anymore. Dogs safety is our priority!
For us It is very important to spend active time with our dogs, jogging or bicycle ride and other sports will be possible with our new upcomming products!
Who we are:
People loving dogs
Open to the needs of our pets
Proponents of dog adoption
Enthusiasts of active coexistence of man and his dog friend

The idea of our business:
He was born of long-term observation of dogs, their needs and behaviors
He was born of our personal experience in training and shaping the dog’s behavior
Our mission is:
Production of high quality dog accessories, assuming their functionality for humans, while comforting the dog
Our products, made from certified materials, are fully safe for humans and animals, and when designing them, we have in mind to increase the level of safety of the dog in the environment in which it resides.